American Lands Project (ALP) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit 501(c)3 public charity based in Seattle, WA. We believe public lands are places of abundant beauty. And abundant opportunity. We believe if you experience them, and hear the connection people have to these places. you can’t help but appreciate their importance to our country.
The federal government manages 640 million acres of land. That’s just over a quarter of the country. That’s a lot of land. And it’s important land. From parks and wildlife refuges, to areas leased for grazing or producing energy, these lands support every aspect of who we are and what we do. Our lands and waters serve as America’s fingerprint – and indication of our identity. And like a fingerprint, once changed they are never the same. And yet, major decisions about the future of our parks, rivers, mountains, and plains get made in Washington D.C., oftentimes by decision-makers who have never had the opportunity to experience them firsthand.
The American Lands Project will work to ensure that more places with exceptional ecological, cultural, or historical value benefit from having decision-makers visit the land and meet the people who will be impacted by their actions. These trips will raise awareness and foster stronger connections between current advocates and potential champions.
Experience public lands with the best guides around. The staff at the American Lands Project have significant experience organizing trips for decision-makers and their staff. ALP staff have organized all aspects of congressional sponsored travel, including itinerary development, preparing the required paperwork for Senate and House Ethics approvals, and taking care of all travel arrangements. Photo by Florian Shulz

“In the long term, the economy and the environment are the same thing. If it's unenvironmental it is uneconomical. That is the rule of nature.”
- Mollie Beattie